




21. - What happened to Bill?

- He ______ really fast when suddenly he ran headfirst into a parked car.

A. had run B. was running C. has run D. has been running


时态语态题。后面的suddenly提示一瞬间的突发性动作,所以前后应该是过程+突发瞬间的逻辑关系,描述过程使用B选项过去进行时。C选项强调完成,D选项强调最近一直,都和现在有关,排除。A选项描述过去的过去,即过去动作的先后顺序,就要理解为run跑的动作发生在前,完成后再发生run into撞上的动作,明显是不合理的。

22. - How was your holiday?

- It couldn’t have been ______. I just stayed in the hotel because it was raining most of the time.

A. boring B. more boring C. most boring D. less boring


形容词题。此题考查学生对于couldn’t be better不能更好=the best最好的掌握,实际上是对于双重否定表达方式的考查,即couldn’t一重否定,be more boring一重否定。需要注意的是,形容词比较级有否定的内在含义。因为后面写到下雨呆在屋子里,所以应该是负态度,所以排除同样是比较级的D选项。

23. Thank you so much! But for your text message, I ______ home without my ID card this morning.

A. would have left B. would leave C. had left D. left


时态语态题。此题作为时态题的分支——虚拟语气的考查,同样要求学生对虚拟语气的解题思路有明确把握。首先根据选项中出现的would have left可以意识到该题目考查虚拟语气。然后判断空格挖在主句中还是从句中,这里明显是主句,主句中一定要有would/should/could这类词,所以排除C选项和D选项。最后看动作时间,原句中写到this morning,所以是与过去相反,因此答案是A选项。注意but for表示“要不是因为”。

24. - Do we have to wear our school uniforms tomorrow?

- I think so. We ______ the coming-of-age ceremony in the afternoon.

A. will be attending B. have attended C. attend D. attended


时态语态题。根据原文的tomorrow和in the afternoon,明显可以了解动作发生在将来,所以排除表现过去+现在的B选项、表现纯现在的C选项和表现纯过去的D选项。此题极其简单,干扰项设置值得商榷。

25. In English class, our teacher often creates an environment ______ we are given the opportunity to solve problems ourselves.

A. when B. which C. where D. that



26. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when ______ on the Internet by millions of people.

A. to read B. reading C. read D. being read



27. Friends are angels who lift us to our feet ______ our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

A. unless B. because C. though D. when



28. Jonny, I can’t believe how much you have changed! You ______ at least one foot!


A. grow B. grew C. have grown D. are growing


时态语态题。现在完成时与一般过去时的区别是单选常考点,只要学生了解两种时态在时间表述上的本质区别,即可轻松应对。grow的动作明显发生在过去,现在也出现,将来会继续,所以排除B选项纯过去的grew。A选项和D选项描述纯现在,即忽略所有过去现在将来的区别,但是前面的句子特别强调发生变化,变化的着眼点是过去到现在的变化,所以选择C选项have grown,现在进行时描述的时间就是过去+现在。

29. - I am going to have lunch. Do you mind talking about it ______ lunch?

- All right. I’ll wait here in the office.

A. after B. before C. over D. until


介词题。在看到第一句话的时候本以为考查的是over在……同时的知识点,难度较高。例如:Could you please have a talk with me over a cup of coffee?你能和我喝杯咖啡说说话吗?表示在喝咖啡的同时说话。但是看到第二句话立刻晕倒,另一个人说在这里等,那明显是午饭后再谈,所以答案为A选项after。只要不胡乱添加中文意思,就不会误选B选项和D选项。

30. - The weatherman on the news said it might rain later on this afternoon.

- Well, I ______ take my umbrella along with me today.

A. can B. may C. could D. must



31. - You seem busy these days.

- Yes. I’m looking for a house. It’s really not easy to find ______ with a garden.

A. this B. one C. it D. that


代词题。本题的A选项和D选项基本可以视作同义选项排除,真正考察的区别也就是one和it这对常考代词的区别。it指代前面一个确定的名词概念,而one则指代前面名词范围中不确定的某一个。这里前面的a house明显不是某所确定的房子,说话者只是在找房,并没有确定哪一所,所以应该是B选项one。另外的一个小思路,之前又连续8道题没有选过B了啊……

32. Although the Eiffel Tower ______ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.

A. has designed B. had designed C. is designed D. was designed




33. Shooting, as ______ means of survival originally, developed into ______ sport only in the late 19th century.

A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a



34. ______ the housing price, several measures have been adopted in the last two years.

A. Lowering B. Having lowered C. To lower D. To have lowered



比较以下的句子:Having lowered the housing price, the measures have been proved effective. 请自己理解为什么这里是having lowered。

35. In my point of view, the question is not ______ the world is going to have a new economic crisis, but when.

A. that B. how C. what D. whether


句子和连词题。主句是不完整的句子,从句中不缺事物,所以排除C选项what。既然提到question,也不能是确定的陈述句,应该有不确定因素,所以排除A选项that。剩下B选项how表示方式,与后面的but when又不能形成转折关系,所以答案为D选项whether。问题不在于是否会发生经济危机,而是什么时候发生。通过转折强调说话者认定经济危机一定会再次发生。


When you’re a preteen, a huge problem might be that you just have to have a new rock-rap CD, ______ (36) your parents won’t give you the money for it. I thought life was so ______ (37) when things like this happened – until September 11, 2001.


A. but

B. so



C. or


D. for





A. unbelievable

B. uncomfortable

C. unfair

D. uncertain



I was in P. E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home and for weeks after, I saw the disaster ______ (38) on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their ______ (39) as the debris (瓦砾) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the ______ (40) brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help imagining what the people on the ______ (41) and in the buildings were thinking and going through, not ______ (42) what was going on. I admired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to ______ (43) others. It tore my heart apart to watch the ______ (44) looks on the faces of so many people who didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive while ______ (45) in all the debris.


A. expand

B. occur

C. strike

D. unfold





A. lives


B. families


C. houses


D. friends





A. curtains

B. buildings

C. gates

D. bedrooms




A. seats

B. planes

C. corners

D. streets





A. believing

B. thinking

C. knowing

D. caring




A. join

B. save

C. meet

D. calm




A. puzzled

B. severe

C. dirty

D. desperate





A. hidden

B. found

C. placed

D. trapped



Then it ______ (46) me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life and had been taking it all for granted.


A. rewarded

B. surprised

C. hit

D. told



A feeling of coldness ______ (47) down my back, and I cried just thinking of the possibility that it could have easily ______ (48) to my family. My mom or dad could have been killed like that, and I would never, ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real ______ (49) in life was.


A. cooled

B. dropped



C. ran


D. passed



动词题。动作发出者是feeling,所以不能是drop垂直掉落。pass表示时间或距离的经过,同样不合理。cool down的意思是冷却,指温度降低,所以是抽象的动作描述run down,中文思路就是我的后背一阵发冷,这是抽象的感觉。


A. happened

B. compared

C. related

D. turned


动词题。动作发出者是it即这件事,所以happen发生的动作是最合理的。compare比较没有对象,事情和我家人没有直接关系所以不能选relate。turn to的含义在高考中主要考察三方面:变得、转向和翻页,这里全都不合适。


A. relationship

B. problem

C. need

D. fate


名词题。抽象名词文章中有具体对应。文章一开始提到我觉得想要CD家长不给钱买是一个problem,而发生了这样的灾难之后,我才想到之前那种problem根本算不上什么problem,失去亲人的problem要严重的多,这才是real problem。problem在文章首尾都出现了,是文章的一条线索。

This disaster ______ (50) me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or dad or sister go somewhere, even if it’s just ______ (51) the store, I try to remember to tell them that I love them because I know there is a ______ (52) that I may never tell them that ______ (53).



A. taught


B. reminded


C. persuaded


D. informed





A. on

B. in

C. at

D. to


介词题。前面说到go somewhere,后面对应to the store。即使是去商店买东西这样的日常情形,我也会记得对他们说我爱你们。in the store和at the store没有区别,可以一起排除。on和the store在一起是不成立的。


A. story

B. doubt

C. chance

D. plan





A. again

B. once

C. enough

D. ever


副词题。结构副词要考虑相关的动作状况和句子的语法功能,这里的tell重复之前的tell,所以选择again与前面形成对应。ever很容易误选,但是牢记never ever的常规用法即可,ever作为强调应该和never紧密相关。至于once和enough很容易排除。

Not getting a new CD is not going to make or ______ (54) my life. I can live with those kinds of problems. But losing someone I love would ______ (55) make my life miserable.

9/11 showed me just what I am.


A. end

B. change

C. spare

D. break


动词题。动作发出者是not getting a new CD,后面定义为problem,所以要选择负态度动作,break是唯一选择。change极易误选,但是请牢记change是中性词。此题难,干扰项设置以及前面的make都有极大影响,值得商榷。


D. frequently



副词题。与动作找关系,相关动作是make。前面是not going to make,转折后当然是truly make。probably表示有可能的不确定感觉,frequently表示动作频率高次数多,都要排除。rather……只有死记硬背would rather的人才会选吧……



How do you feel about watching other people work?

Nothing is more refreshing on a warm summer day than watching someone else work.

Right now, I’m sitting on my porch and watching young Beth baling (打捆) the big field on top of the hill. She’s been haying that field for over ten years. I know: I put her on the tractor when she was just twelve years old.

She picked a great day for baling. It’s not too hot, and there’s a nice breeze. On Monday, when she cut the field, it was so hot I thought the corn would start popping in the field. Didn’t stop her, though. She just stuck that big hat on her head, wrapped a wet handkerchief around her neck, and set to work. I remember when I would have done the same thing.

While I’m here sucking a lemonade, Beth is driving the “hay (干草) train”, a tractor pulling a baler and an old wagon. You’d think someone her size would never be able to see over the tractor. But somehow she manages. When she’s finished, her tracks are very straight.

The whole time she’s haying, that dog of hers is working just as hard, running along beside her like he’s afraid she’ll drive away without him. Beth sure knew what she was doing when she trained him.

The way the machine works is pure poetry. Each row is pushed into shape. When just enough hay is in a bale, it is wrapped up and fastened together. A second or so later, the bale comes flying out and into the old wagon. The person who invented that machine sure was some kind of genius.

That’s not to say it works perfectly. Every once in a while a bale misses the mark, especially when you are turning the machine at the end of a row. That means, of course, that you have to go back and pick up those bales and throw them into the wagon.

I can remember when Beth’s mother was her age. She looked an awful lot like Beth does now. Makes a man proud to see his daughter and granddaughter taking such good care of themselves.

Well, I suppose I should get up and fill this glass again. Not much fun sitting here with an empty glass.

56. We can learn from the passage that at some time in the past the author __________.

A. bought the tractor for Beth

B. forced Beth to work at an early age

C. worked in the field like Beth

D. trained the dog to help Beth work



细节题。文章第二段中提到的twelve years old对应题目中的in the past。从put her on the tractor及第三段的最后一句可以推断出作者当时在地里工作,所以选择C。A选项购买的信息在这里没有提到,B选项是负态度,所以排除。D选项dog的相关信息出现在文章第五段,不但细节内容不对,而且作为第一道细节题位置上也不甚合理。

57. In the eyes of the author, the sight of Beth baling hay is __________.

A. uncommon

B. beautiful

C. unforgettable

D. changeable


细节题。根据文章开头的refreshing及第六段开头的pure poetry,可以了解整篇文章的正态度,所以排除A选项和D选项的中性词。C选项虽然也为正态度,但一般用于事件结束之后,而不用在过程中,所以排除。

58. Before thrown into the wagon, the hay must be __________.

A. tied up

B. dried up

C. cut up

D. lined up


细节题。文章第六段的第三句话提到题目的into the old wagon。前面的it is wrapped up and fastened together可以选出同义改写选项A。注意a second or so later体现题目中要求的先后顺序。另外请注意细节题一般情况下文题顺序一致,这样可以减少确定答案位置所需的时间。

59. Who do you think is telling this story?

A. Beth’s mother.

B. Beth’s father.

C. Beth’s grandmother.


D. Beth’s grandfather.


细节题。根据文章倒数第二段的his daughter and granddaughter直接判断,没有任何难度。



If you haven’t heard or seen anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you’ve probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon, considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive driving or Road Rage recently if you drive at all.

While drunk driving remains a critical problem, the facts about aggressive driving are surely as disturbing. For instance, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association, 41,907 people died on the highways last year. Of those deaths, the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably partially correct. One suggestion is sheer overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percent, and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent. That means more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is magnified in urban areas. Also, people have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively, but you might be surprised. For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver, sounded the horn long and hard at another car, or sped up to keep another driver from passing? If you recognize yourself in any of these situations, watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers, or another driver is visibly upset with you, there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are susceptible (easily influenced) to Road Rage, the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver’s rage, do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely, including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

60. The first sentence in Para. 1 implies that __________.

A. one may be angered by media reports and wants to avoid them

B. the media created the term “Road Rage” only a few months ago

C. Road Rage has received much media coverage in the last few months

D. people not interested in the media know little about recent happenings


推断题。议论文题目必然和文章主旨有直接关联。整篇文章讲述关于Road Rage行车安全的相关问题,所以排除完全无关的A选项和D选项。B选项的重点是media,C选项的重点是Road Rage,所以选C选项,与文章内容直接相关。

61. The underlined word “spell” in Para. 3 means __________.

A. relieve

B. cause


. spread

D. prevent


词汇题。所有词汇题的思路与完形填空解题思路完全一致。这里提问动词,动作发出者是these factors,即前文中提到的stress压力、anxiety焦虑和temper脾气,动作承受者是Road Rage,所以答案为B,压力、焦虑和脾气造成Road Rage的现象。

62. Which of the following characterizes aggressive driving?

A. Talking while driving.

B. Driving at high speed.

C. Sounding the horn when passing.

D. Shouting at another driver.


细节题。直接对应文章第四段的细节,选出D选项应该不难。C选项的细节原文中还有程度描述long and hard,A选项和B选项则没有提到,所以排除。

63. The last paragraph is intended to __________. []

A. tell people how to deal with Road Rage

B. inform people how aggressive drivers could be

C. show people how to control themselves when angry

D. warn people against eye contact with another driver


细节题。议论文中只有两方面重要:作者论点和作者建议。60题提问作者论点,63题则提问作者建议。根据文章最后一段there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict,可以选出A选项。注意文章最后一段不但提到了如何抑制自己的愤怒,还有如何应对对方的愤怒,所以C选项和D选项是片面的。


Security – for the information on your smartphone, as well as for the phone itself – is a hot topic these days. The truth is that you’re packing a lot of sensitive information on your phone, and you should keep it safe.


When it comes to physical security, iPhone users would do well to download Find My iPhone, a free app (application program) from Apple that allows you to visit a website and see your (lost, stolen or misplaced) phone on a map. You can then sound an alarm, send a message that will pop up on its screen, lock the phone or erase all your data.

Android does not have an exact equivalent, but there are plenty of alternatives. A free app called Lookout offers the find-my-phone feature. The paid version allows you to wipe the data from your phone remotely.

Then there is your coffee shop’s WiFi network. Anyone with minimal technical expert skill can snoop on (窥视) people using shared wireless networks, harvesting passwords and other personal data. Lookout’s apps will caution you when you’ve logged on to an unsecure network, but cannot protect you once you’re there.

In order to protect yourself on such networks, you can use a virtual private network, or V.P.N. This turns all your activity into nonsense to anyone trying to read along with you from across the Starbucks. It also keeps websites from tracking you and, if you’re traveling, allows you to get access to sites that may be blocked in other countries.

If you have an iPhone, the simplest V.P.N. app is probably Hotspot Shield, whose distinguishing feature is said to be that it automatically kicks in each time you start browsing (浏览), as opposed to other V.P.N. apps that require you to start them up manually. This matters, because even if you decide you want a V.P.N. app, you want to spend approximately zero time thinking about it. For the most part, that was true of Hotspot Shield, though occasionally it took a while to connect or temporarily lost connection without warning. I found myself having to turn the app on and off sometimes, which involved setting my phone constantly.

If even reading about the settings on your phone drives you crazy, then it is probably best to stay away from a V.P.N. app. But if you’re the type who can’t resist checking your bank balance from your corner bar, the hassle may be preferable to the risk.

64. Which of the following can warn you against the unsecure network?

A. Android.

B. V.P.N.

C. Lookout.

D. Find My iPhone.



65. By using V.P.N., users can __________.

A. find their lost phone on the Internet

B. erase all the data from the phone remotely

C. check their bank balance now and then

D. save their browsing from being tracked


细节题。C选项是文章最后提到的一个例子,并非文章重点强调的手机安全问题,所以排除。A选项是Find My iPhone的作用,B选项是Lookout的作用,所以排除。此篇文章为应用文,所以题目难度不高。不过话说回来,考学生这个题材的文章,命题者是也对GFW相当不满么?VPN都来了,翻墙也不远了吧。


66. The underlined word “that” in Para. 6 refers to the fact that __________.

A. a V.P.N. app kicks in automatically

B. the user starts V.P.N. apps manually

C. the app takes a while to connect

D. users spend no time thinking about it


细节题。此题比较容易误选成D选项,因为临近位置有类似信息,但是注意文章中spend approximately zero time与选项spend no time的区别。D选项出现极端表述no,需要特别注意。本段的重要信息在第一句中就直接交代了,即软件的自动启动功能,所以答案为A选项。此题表面上考that的词汇知识,实际上考察的是第六段的段义。



Why are people interested in eating raw foods or whole foods? One reason is that eating these types of food reduces the risk of acid accumulation in your body.

Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods. When we cook foods, we destroy the natural enzymes (酶) that are part of the food in its raw form. These enzymes were intended by nature to help us digest the food. When we consume food without these natural enzymes, our bodies either digest the food improperly or allow too many nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In both instances, the result is obesity. When too many nutrients are absorbed at once, the body grows fat. Improperly digested food moves slowly through the digestive tract, where it becomes increasingly acidic. To protect its vital organs from this acidic waste, the body changes the acid into fat and stores it safely away from the organs.

Processed foods contain chemical elements, which might confuse the appetite mechanism that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat; as a result, people often overeat. Processed foods also upset the digestive cycle. The body will either identify these foods as allergens and then store them safely away from the organs as fat, or the remains of undigested food will become acidic and enter the bloodstream as acid waste, which will stick to the blood vessel walls and block the passage of vital oxygen and nutrients heading for the body’s cells. The body’s metabolism (新陈代谢) becomes inactive, and the result is weight gain and obesity.

The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion increasingly inefficient. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more common.

To stop this vicious circle in its tracks, people need to consume food and supplements that will neutralize the acid already accumulated in body. Eating the right types of raw and whole foods can help. It’s also important to restore your enzyme balance. You need to identify and avoid the foods that cause acid accumulation and consume the foods that increase enzyme production. If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself, you need to take an active approach.

67. It can be inferred from Para. 2 that __________.

A. foods with natural enzymes help people keep fit

B. we’d better be cautious about raw and whole foods

C. it is essential for people to protect their vital organs

D. giving up cooked and refined foods is a new lifestyle



推断题。说明文的题目一定和文章的说明对象有直接关系,所以做题之前了解本文的说明对象有重要意义,即raw and whole foods好、cooked and refined foods不好。而第二段中指出,natural enzymes是raw food中重要的成分,好处是什么,破坏了以后坏处是什么。所以根据这样的思路,答案为A选项。注意中文注释再次发挥极为重要的作用。

68. Processed foods are unhealthy because they __________.

A. destroy body’s cells

B. may lead to obesity

C. are difficult to digest

D. stop body’s metabolism


细节题。第三段一开始提到问题中的processed food,所以答案可以轻易的定位至第三段。此段一直提到各种负态度描述,所以关注最后一句的the result is weight gain and obesity,可以很容易的选出答案B选项。此段文章内容非常不好理解,但是把握阅读理解的要求,关注文章中的重点信息,题目其实并不难。如何在短时间内发掘文章中的重点信息,不受大量冗余信息干扰再次很重要,这是阅读理解考察的主要方向。

69. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To warn people of the problem of obesity.

B. To advocate eating more raw and whole foods.

C. To inform people of the harm of processed foods.

D. To tell the differences between raw and processed foods.


主旨题。只要知道文章的说明对象是raw and whole foods,此题就不难确定答案B选项。processed foods是用来和raw and whole foods对比以突出后者的,所以排除C选项和D选项。至于A选项的信息在68题已经考过了,再次出题的可能性就不大。

70. What is likely to be talked about following the last paragraph?

A. Different causes of acid accumulation.

B. Correct ways to cook raw foods.

C. Suitable types of raw and whole foods.

D. Active approaches to avoid acid.



推断题。再次强调,说明文的题目一定和文章的说明对象有直接关系,所以对应答案C选项。文章中只提到了raw foods好,没有说具体的烹饪方式,所以排除貌似与说明对象有关的B选项。而且raw foods经过cook以后,不就变成作者反对的cooked foods了么……



If you have ever been in a school play or even made believe you were a doctor, detective, or a space traveler, you know the enjoyment that acting brings. Almost all of us have the wish to play the part of someone – or something – else. __________ (71)


相邻句的wish直接对应D选项的this desire。

In the ancient world, acting was often associated with religious ceremonies and other special occasions. As far back as 2200 B.C. trained Chinese actors performed ceremonial dances in costumes and makeup at harvest festivals. __________ (72) To the dance was gradually added pantomime – the imitation of movements and gestures – as well as the wearing of masks, the singing of chants, and finally the use of dialogue.


提到历史起源的选项有两个,一个是A选项,一个是C选项。而A选项的act of remembering与相邻句的dance没有任何关系,所以排除。

While acting was coming into its own in the ancient Chinese classical theatre, it was doing the same in the western world, in Greece. From about 500 B.C. on, acting became a highly specialized art in Greece. Greek actors, however, still wore masks, and their motions were largely fixed by custom. __________ (73)


此题直接思路可能会被B选项迷惑,但是学生应该思考一个问题:只有一段提到Greece,对应唯一的一个提到Greece的B选项,对于一模题而言是不是过于弱智了些……所以关注下一段开始的by contrast,两段话需要形成对比转折关系,所以选择G选项little opportunity机会少,与下一段开始的great opportunity形成转折。

Modern acting, by contrast, gives the individual actor great opportunity to develop his or her personal talents for serious, comic, or musical drama. The names, faces, and styles of famous movie actors are known worldwide. __________ (74) A special form of acting takes place in radio drama, which was highly popular before television. In radio drama the actors face a unique challenge. They are unseen by their audience. So they must rely on voice alone to make their characters real to the listeners.


此段提到现代的表演形式,选项中只有F选项与此段内容有关。另外,试卷中的an unique challenge是错误的,应该是a unique challenge,命题者要仔细啊……

__________ (75) Only forty percent of Broadway actors are employed, most of them for only part of the year. Those who become stars need not only talent, but determination. They must not be easily discouraged. Otherwise, they might give up before the opportunity for stardom presents itself.



A. The origins of acting are in the act of remembering.


B. Drama in Greece began with festivals honoring Dionysus.

C. It is believed that this was the first step in the development of acting.

D. Historical records indicate that this desire is as old as civilization itself.

E. Acting is not, as many people think, a quick, easy road to fame and riches.

F. Broadway and television provide other stages on which actors can display their talent.

G. Consequently, they had little opportunity to demonstrate their individual personalities.




参考词汇:Outward Bound 拓展训练





此次海淀一模情景作文依旧是沿袭2007年至2011年北京卷 “四幅图情景作文”的出题方式,题目中规中矩,难度中等,有一定的区分度,考察课外活动的主题,学生比较容易下笔。






Had it not been for the hard-won opportunity given by our mother school, we would not have participated in the outward bound. Last Friday, I, together with my classmates, headed for the Outward Bound Centre merrily by the school bus in that the charming view significantly feasted our eyes as well as the coming activity seemed exciting but challenging.

Upon arrival, we were sorted into several groups under the guidance of our coach. The first impression of the meaningful day was the dangerous broken bridge. Owing to the fact that most of us were new to it, I was extremely frightened. The encouragement of the coach and our spirit of teamwork, however, helped me make it.


The second impression of the unforgettable experience was climbing over the wall to “escape”. We spared no effort to make contributions to the program; as a consequence, all the participants succeeded in achieving the goal. Everything finished, we felt exhausted but delighted.

Next came the most satisfying moment. A picture of all members was taken to memorize this extracurricular activity. Awards such as “Prize for teamwork” and “Prize for courage” were sent to those who stood out.

Please allow me to express my sincere appreciation to this extracurricular activity, for not only did we win trust of others, but also build up courage as well as improve sense of cooperation.



In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.











The cartoon portrays a vivid picture in which there is a boy, a boat, an empty net, and a school of fish. To be more specific, the major character, using a telescope, is struggling to search for some fish with great effort, neglecting the ones swimming around him. Ironically, his efforts do not pay off simply because of his wrong aim and attitude.

What the story tries to convey is that we high school students should not set a goal out of our reach, ignoring the attainable and accomplishable goal. The boy would harvest more with less hardship only if he abandoned the distant goal and turned back to focus on the fish around the boat. Such phenomenon seems fairly common in our daily life. Sometimes, we teenagers tend to stick to a target which is beyond our grasp when faced with problems, which will surely lead us to a wrong way and finally in failure.

In conclusion, it is highly recommended that practical aim be set in our life. Only when we realize the utter importance of it can we lead a successful life.


